Thursday, October 17, 2013

What It Takes To Make A Whiteboard Wall

 There are really only a few things you need to successfully turn a wall into a giant whiteboard:

  • Whiteboard paint
  • Painter's tape
  • Low-lint roller or other low-lint applicator for paint (any home improvement store will have these)
  • Paint tray or other area for spreading paint onto roller
  • Drop cloth or newspapers for protecting floor or carpet
  • Possible extras: stick for mixing paint, brush for touching up edges and corners, camera for taking pictures of yourself making an awesome whiteboard wall.
That's really all it takes. What is the total cost of the supplies you need in addition to the whiteboard paint? About $20. Not much at all - and if you have some of these supplies around your home or office you can cut the costs even further. Usually the item that most people have to buy is a paint roller with a decent low-lint roller head and some painter's tape. You can get these two items for less than $10 at a home improvement store like Home Depot.
Once you have your supplies together you just need an afternoon or morning to put on the paint. Make sure that your wall is clean and relatively smooth, have your paint mixed and settled, and go to work (read the full instructions here if you are interested). Once the first coat is down you can take a break and let it dry for about an hour and then put the second coat on. After that you can remove the tape and clean everything up. After the paint has cured for several days you are ready to go. That's it!
So - now that you know how to do it, what is holding you back? For less than $100 you could have your own whiteboard wall in your home or office.